Registration opens at the beginning of November, usually the first Wednesday and is open for a week.
Charity registration is the second option to register and starts on December 1st, where the remaining tickets are sold. First come, first serve. Please remember that the same requirements apply as in the general registration.
At this time there is no waitlist available, if we do decide to open one it will be advertised on our social media and website.
You have to pick up your bib on either Thursday or Friday before the race so Friday afternoon is the latest to be in Reykjavik.
The tickets for the participant's bus departs on Saturday morning from Múlaveegur 1, in front on the Ice Skating Rink in Laugardalur, very close to where you pick up your bib the days before. The Bus will depart at 4:30 and 5:00 depending on which pace group you are in. The Race Bus - Laugavegur Ultra Marathon
You can go to ITRA - Runners - Find a "runner" and search for your name, the races you have completed will be shown and the General Performance Index will appear. But to see your points from each race, the easiest way is to become an ITRA member. The annual fee is 8 EUR. Members have access to their scores as well as all runners worldwide, detailed data showing results and comparisons by gender, age, country, etc.
Runners can publish their results with ITRA scores. Runners can then see their score for that particular race. Here, e.g. see part of the results in Laugavegur Ultra Marathon 2021 from the ITRA website. It shows the points that each runner received for the results he achieved in the race.
We want to ensure the safety of runners on the running track and increase the chances of the runner getting all the way within the time limit. The Laugavegur race is a demanding off-road race that is only intended for the experience of great runners who have prepared well. According to the ITRA system, those runners who complete the Laugavegur race in 09:15 hours will receive approx. 370 ITRA finisher score.
ITRA (International Trail Running Association) was founded in July 2013 and is a forum for off-road runners. To be a member of ITRA, runners must meet certain requirements and meet certain conditions that ensure the safety of runners and contribute to the increased development of off-road running around the world.
Numerous races in Iceland and abroad are registered in the ITRA association. You can go to the ITRA site and select the race you are going to take part in, and you will see what the minimum score of the race is, provided that the runner meets the time limits set in the race. When the runner has finished the race, the runner sends the results to ITRA. ITRA registers everyone who participates in the race and gives them points based on their final time in the race.
ITRA gives runners points according to how fast they go the relevant running route, from 0 to 999. The fastest gets the highest score, etc.
There are about 7,400 Icelandic off-road runners in the ITRA database. If you have taken part in off-road races in recent years, it is very likely that you are already in the database and are registered with points.
Points are calculated as the average of the best results in off-road running over the past 3 years. So if you ran e.g. Laugavegur Ultra Marathon 2021 then you have points for that result. Other off-road races over the last 3 years also give you points, as long as they have been quality assessed by ITRA.
The General Performance Index is a summary of the results of runners in different races. The points received by a runner are used to calculate the success rate. The five best races count in the success factor, regardless of distance over 36 months. This Index changes with new results and with time as the races get older.
ITRA points are awarded for completing a competition (1 - 6 points). Each runner who finishes a race gets the same number of points regardless of where in the row / results the runner lands. The points do not indicate how fast the runner is, only that he has completed the race. Many races abroad require registration when runners have a certain number of points to get over their head to register.
The points arrangement does NOT apply to the Laugavegur race.
2025 - July 12th
2026 - July 11th
2027 - July 10th (30th anniversary)
We will make an announcement when the online shop opens on My Page. At that time you will be able to purchase bus tickets, food and other merchandise.