Charity registration

Charity registration

Charity registrations will be offered for the 2024 event where a large part of the participation fee goes to a charity the runner specifies in the application. You can find charities here.

As long as there are seats available after December 1st, registration for charities will be open. It's first come, first served for the charity tickets.

The ticket price is 151.000 ISK, where 100.000 ISK will go to your chosen charity.

Attention runners must have 370 ITRA performance index scoring or comparable results, you can send our team an email to get more information. If the requirements are not met, the registration will be refunded. Further information will be sent once the registrations have been evaluated.


  • Reykjavik Excursions
  • Corsa
  • 66 Norður
  • Suzuki
  • Volcano Huts
  • Ferðafélag Íslands
  • Gatorade
  • ITRA member